Radio buttons
Use radio buttons when the user can select exactly one option from a group. Avoid long lists of radio buttons (usually no more than 6-8 options). When there are more than two options, stack radio buttons vertically. Use checkboxes when the user can select more than one option from a group.
Radio button
HTML code snippet
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_basic_default">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_basic_default">Default</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio">
<input class="a-radio hover" type="radio" id="test_radio_basic_hover">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_basic_hover">Hover</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio">
<input class="a-radio focus" type="radio" id="test_radio_basic_focus">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_basic_focus">Focus</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_basic_checked" checked>
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_basic_checked">Selected</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_basic_disabled" disabled>
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_basic_disabled">Disabled</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio">
<input class="a-radio"
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_basic_disabled_selected">Disabled/selected</label>
Radio button (with helper text)
Radio button inputs can have labels that span multiple lines and can include optional helper text that appears below the main label text.
HTML code snippet
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_basic_helper">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_basic_helper">
Radio button label
<small class="a-label_helper">
(This is optional helper text)
Large target area radio button
For better usability, consider using radio buttons with large target areas. These are easier to interact with (especially on smaller screens) and harder to miss. They are especially desirable when the form will have heavy mobile usage. Given the amount of real estate they occupy, they’re probably not suited for all use cases.
HTML code snippet
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio m-form-field__lg-target">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_lg_default">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_lg_default">Default</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio m-form-field__lg-target">
<input class="a-radio hover" type="radio" id="test_radio_lg_hover">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_lg_hover">Hover</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio m-form-field__lg-target">
<input class="a-radio focus" type="radio" id="test_radio_lg_focus">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_lg_focus">Focus</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio m-form-field__lg-target">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_lg_checked" checked>
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_lg_checked">Selected</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio m-form-field__lg-target">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_lg_disabled" disabled>
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_lg_disabled">Disabled</label>
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio m-form-field__lg-target">
<input class="a-radio"
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_lg_disabled_selected">Disabled/selected</label>
Large target area radio button (with helper text)
HTML code snippet
<div class="m-form-field m-form-field__radio m-form-field__lg-target">
<input class="a-radio" type="radio" id="test_radio_lg_helper">
<label class="a-label" for="test_radio_lg_helper">
Radio button label
<small class="a-label_helper">
(This is optional helper text)
Use cases
Leave radio buttons unselected as the default. It’s easy for users to miss that a radio button has been preselected and to submit a form with an erroneous answer.
Never use radio buttons for optional questions. Once a radio button is selected from a list, it or another choice must remain selected and there is no undoing the selection unless you reload the form.
Consider using radio buttons with large target areas. If these won’t fit into your design and you need to use the standard radio button make sure the target area is at least 45 x 45 px and includes the label text.
There are some issues with Voiceover reading radio buttons. To get around this, consider using the aria-describedby attribute.